Immobilier de Luxe.




Tasty is led by a fundamental organizational value: Better Tastes Better. In essence, food treated, sourced, and prepared with excellence will always yield superior results. We understand that the ingredients going into each salad are just as crucial as the end product.

Partnering Together

Nous intégrons des solutions écologiques dans chaque projet, alliant design moderne et respect de lʼenvironnement pour un avenir durable.

Local Sourcing

Nous collaborons avec des communautés locales pour promouvoir des pratiques durables et enrichir la vie de ceux qui nous entourent. Ensemble, nous grandissons.

Climate Awareness

Nous sommes engagés dans la transparence. Nos procédures et décisions sont transparentes, permettant à nos clients de comprendre précisément comment nous contribuons à la protection de notre planète.

This perspective strengthens our belief that climate change is an urgent matter, not merely a distant problem. Our local farmers, partners, and suppliers experience the significant effects of climate-related challenges that threaten the current food system every day. As a result, we are adapting our methods to make a steady contribution.

By leveraging our expertise and platform, we are proactively tackling the climate crisis in the food industry. Our aim is to create a setting where customers can make informed food selections that are in harmony with their principles.

Missions Durables

Nos missions durables visent à transformer lʼimmobilier de luxe en un secteur respectueux de lʼenvironnement et socialement responsable.

Promouvoir lʼutilisation de matériaux écologiques pour des constructions qui respectent la planète tout en offrant un luxe inégalé.

Encourager lʼefficacité énergétique dans chaque propriété, réduisant ainsi les coûts et lʼimpact environnemental pour nos clients.

Promouvoir la biodiversité en intégrant des espaces verts dans nos projets, ce qui encourage un écosystème sain et dynamique.

Éduquer nos clients sur des pratiques durables, les aidant à faire des choix éclairés pour un mode de vie écoresponsable.

Collaborer avec des partenaires locaux pour promouvoir des initiatives durables et renforcer les communautés dans lesquelles nous opérons.

Innover continuellement en matière de construction durable, garantissant des propriétés élégantes et respectueuses de lʼenvironnement.



By offering a menu composed of 75% plants, we intrinsically reduce our carbon footprint by 30% compared to conventional restaurants. The respect we have for our ingredients, the fundamental components of our salads and bowls, is a commitment that doesn’t happen overnight. It requires the dedication of the entire organization and our partners. We engage in individual collaborations with farmers to update recipes and provide our customers with the highest quality ingredients.

By exclusively prioritizing environmentally responsible ingredients and collaborating directly with growers to align farming practices with regenerative organic standards, SIMPLi has streamlined its operations. This optimization aims to minimize the carbon footprint, eradicate fraudulent activities in the supply chain, and facilitate the growth of each farmer.

Claire Dupont, Directrice des Opérations Écologiques

Current Eco-Friendly Initiatives

We are implementing several eco-friendly initiatives to reduce our environmental impact. First, we use recycled and renewable materials in our projects. Additionally, we provide training to our teams on sustainable practices. Together, we are building a greener and more responsible future.

Working with Wenderbrem has been a revelation. Their passion for luxury real estate perfectly aligns with a deep commitment to sustainability. Each project is a testament to their dedication to the environment and innovation. Choosing Wenderbrem means partnering with a leader who places sustainability at the heart of everything they do. A true added value for our clients!

Jean-Luc Martin, Head of Sustainable Development

Reducing Carbon Emissions

At Wenderbrem, we take concrete measures to reduce our carbon footprint. We integrate innovative energy solutions into every project, such as efficient heating and cooling systems. Together, we create spaces that combine comfort, elegance, and sustainability, while preserving our planet for future generations.

Chez Wenderbrem, nous nous engageons à minimiser notre impact à travers des actions concrètes. Chaque initiative renforce notre responsabilité envers lʼenvironnement et notre communauté.


Réduction de la consommation dʼénergie.


Diminution des émissions de carbone.


Réduction de la consommation de carburant.

Ressources Supplémentaires

Ressources Supplémentaires

At Wenderbrem, social responsibility is at the heart of our values. This is why we support ecological programs and organizations dedicated to protecting our planet. Every donation is a step towards initiatives promoting sustainability and biodiversity. Let’s unite our efforts for a greener future.

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